About Me

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Hello! I'm Kara, a mid 30's mum of one, teacher by day and mummy by night. I would say I am more slummy mummy than yummy mummy but I live in hope of my fairy godmother casting her wand! I am also a sister, a daughter, a godmother, an auntie, a wife and hopefully a good friend! Having spent more time lately reading blogs than studying current affairs or indulging in "chick lit" I thought I'd give it a go so here I am! I have been married to Mr D for 12 years now and we have been together since I was 14!!! Miss D came along in 2009 and life changed for the better from that day. I work a 4 day week as a tutor in Childcare and Education (sounds far posher than it is!) and spend the other 3 days being the best mummy I can be to my adorable daughter. I *LOVE* shopping, chatting, card making, scrapbooking, cooking and reading. I want to share some of the random thoughts that I have and the craziness of my life with you. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you don't........well I gave it a go!!!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The memories!!!

A think I thought today was all about memories that music can evoke!

This is not an original thought for me (or for anyone I guess) and I am not going to ramble on as I already have another post about this planned! BUT I had to share these gems with you.

Thanks to Chris and crew on radio 2 this morning I was reminded of this song from my youth

A classic I believe and I wholeheartedly sang along!!

This led me to remembering another 80's classic and the embarrassment of getting up in front of the whole school and performing it with Mrs T! Scarf and all ...............  hope it makes you smile too!


  1. memories for me too today. When I got home I picked up the 'Talk of the Town' booklet from Dunstable Town Council. There on the front was Les McKeown from The Bay City Rollers...he's coming to perform in the park at the end of August. The BCRs were in their prime between 1974-1978 (before your time I know!!!). I was 12 and in lurvve with Les McKeown. Used to play the record really loud, singing along and swaying my tarten scarf...o those were the days. I shall be down the park when they come to town! Mrs B xxx

  2. OMG will he sing Shangalang? Remember the days of driving to RA singing along to that!!!! I still have my BCR badge somewhere x
