About Me

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Hello! I'm Kara, a mid 30's mum of one, teacher by day and mummy by night. I would say I am more slummy mummy than yummy mummy but I live in hope of my fairy godmother casting her wand! I am also a sister, a daughter, a godmother, an auntie, a wife and hopefully a good friend! Having spent more time lately reading blogs than studying current affairs or indulging in "chick lit" I thought I'd give it a go so here I am! I have been married to Mr D for 12 years now and we have been together since I was 14!!! Miss D came along in 2009 and life changed for the better from that day. I work a 4 day week as a tutor in Childcare and Education (sounds far posher than it is!) and spend the other 3 days being the best mummy I can be to my adorable daughter. I *LOVE* shopping, chatting, card making, scrapbooking, cooking and reading. I want to share some of the random thoughts that I have and the craziness of my life with you. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you don't........well I gave it a go!!!


Chocolate Icing 

350g dark chocolate
225g butter @ room temperature
2 tsp milk
I tsp vanilla essence
250g icing sugar

Melt the chocolate and leave to cool
Beat the butter, sugar, milk and vanilla until smooth
Add the melted chocolate and beat until the right consistency
*top tip* just keep beating it does thicken up!