About Me

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Hello! I'm Kara, a mid 30's mum of one, teacher by day and mummy by night. I would say I am more slummy mummy than yummy mummy but I live in hope of my fairy godmother casting her wand! I am also a sister, a daughter, a godmother, an auntie, a wife and hopefully a good friend! Having spent more time lately reading blogs than studying current affairs or indulging in "chick lit" I thought I'd give it a go so here I am! I have been married to Mr D for 12 years now and we have been together since I was 14!!! Miss D came along in 2009 and life changed for the better from that day. I work a 4 day week as a tutor in Childcare and Education (sounds far posher than it is!) and spend the other 3 days being the best mummy I can be to my adorable daughter. I *LOVE* shopping, chatting, card making, scrapbooking, cooking and reading. I want to share some of the random thoughts that I have and the craziness of my life with you. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you don't........well I gave it a go!!!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

What's in the Bag?

A think I thought today was what on earth is in my Handbag.

As I lifted it up to go to work today it seemed infeasibly heavy considering it only has essentials  my life in it!

Well here goes the contents of a my handbag were as follows:

Staff Pass
House Keys
Lip Balm
Make up bag
Note book
5 Pens
6 Receipts
2 bills
Head phones
Shopping list
3 fruit chewy bars
packet of raisins (contents scattered over bag)
hand cream
half packet extra strong mints
hand wipes
lady items!!!!
A flyer from a restaurant

I am a bit worried that this is what I consider to be essentials and feel I need to sort this out! Then again am I normal and everyone carries this much crap around?

What do you carry in your bag? Do Share!!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you know what I carry in my bag? My purse, a pocket shopping bag, a small packet of tissues, a packet of chewing gum, my keys and iphone. That's it! Talk about traveling light! x
